Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information for the SBCC Community
Effective January 1, 2023 the COVID-19 vaccination requirement has been removed for students and for all employees (except where required by federal and state law, public health agencies, or appropriate governing organizations for specific programs and activities).
Free rapid antigen tests and masks are available to students and employees at designated locations across campus
COVID-19 Employee Support Form
Coming to Campus

Testing Info
Need to get tested? Click for dates, times, and locations at all three campuses

Visiting Campus
Coming on-campus? Here's what you need to know
Frequently Asked Questions
Effective January 1, 2023, the COVID-19 vaccine requirement for working, studying or participating in in-person activities at the District’s Main, Wake, and Schott campuses no longer applies.
- Test within 3-5 days after last exposure.
- If symptoms develop, test, and stay home. Do not come to campus.
- If testing positive see either employee or student option below.
- If testing negative you can return to campus once you are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
- Stay home for at least 1 day after start of the symptoms (Day 0). Asymptomatic positives are no longer required to isolate.
- Email SBCC Employee COVID response support, your supervisor, and complete the COVID-19 Employee Support form.
- COVID positive employees must still wear a mask while around others through Day 10 after their positive test, whether symptoms are present or not.
- Masking may end early if a person has two negative tests in a row, 24 hours apart.
- Stay home for at least 1 day after start of the symptoms (Day 0). Asymptomatic positives are no longer required to isolate.
- If you may have exposed a SBCC employee email SBCC Employee COVID response support.
- Return to campus wearing a well-fitting mask around others until 10 days have passed from the “Day 0” of your infection.
- Please do not go into Student Health Services if you have tested positive or are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. Students who have questions regarding COVID-19, have tested positive or are symptomatic and need medical assistance, can contact Student Health Services at (805) 730-4098 or healthandwellness@pipeline.sbcc.edu, or visit https://www.sbcc.edu/healthservices/appointments.php to request a telehealth appointment.
- Stay at home isolating from others and test.
- If negative, rest to recover or visit your physician for diagnosis and treatment.
- If positive, follow the instructions above for persons testing positive for COVID-19.
- Please do not go into Student Health Services if you have tested positive or are exhibiting
symptoms of COVID-19. Students who have questions regarding COVID-19, have tested positive or are symptomatic
and need medical assistance, can contact Student Health Services at (805) 730-4098
or healthandwellness@pipeline.sbcc.edu, or visit https://www.sbcc.edu/healthservices/appointments.php to request a telehealth appointment.
For current COVID-19 symptoms see the CDC "Symptoms of COVID-19" website.
- SBCC students and employees can pick up a cost-free Antigen Test kit available at specific distribution sites on Main, Schott and Wake campus. See our testing info page for full details!
Public Health Resources

Santa Barbara County Public Health Department

California Department of Public Health

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention